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Consent Form
86 Hockey, LLC (86 Hockey) is a Pennsylvania Limited Liability Company that provides skilled coaching and instruction in ice-hockey. Participant is an adult individual or is the parent of a minor or legal guardian of a person who wishes to receive coaching and instruction and to participate in ice-hockey with 86 Hockey. Participant acknowledges and understands that ice-hockey is a contact sport and that Participants are sometimes injured. Those injuries may be serious and/or permanent. Protective equipment and proper supervision will tend to reduce the frequency and severity of such injuries but will not completely prevent such injuries from occurring from time to time. Injuries may occur from contact with other participants, contact with walls or barriers, falls and other impacts, or just from skating. Flying pucks and hockey sticks can strike participants with great force. Potential injuries may include, but are not limited to contusions, fractured bones, concussions, head trauma, pulled muscles, lacerations, torn tendons or ligaments, eye injuries, spinal injuries, sprains and internal organ injury. Participant accepts the risk and accepts full responsibility for all injuries and all damages which may occur to Participant and/or Participant’s equipment including injuries and damages which Participant may cause to others while engaged in ice-hockey with 86 Hockey. Participant waives, abandons, forfeits and gives up all possible claims against 86 Hockey, (including its agents, representatives, coaches, trainers, including but not limited to host rink facilities, and/or employees of 86 Hockey) which may result from or arise out of participation in ice-hockey with 86 Hockey and Participant agrees to protect, indemnify and defend 86 Hockey against all such claims. Participant acknowledges and agrees that execution of this Release and Waiver of All Claims is a mandatory prior condition and a part of the legal consideration required to receiving ice-hockey related instruction or services from 86 Hockey and that 86 Hockey is unwilling to provide ice-hockey related instruction or services unless and until Participant executes this Release and Waiver of All Claims. Participant has read and understands the conditions stated in this 2 page Release and Waiver of All Claims. Participant understands that this Release and Waiver of All Claims is intended to have binding legal effect and Participant agrees to be legally bound hereby and agrees to legally bind all persons as to whom Participant is parent of a minor or legal guardian.